Career Counselling for Online Careers
In the information age, specific knowledge and technical skills, coupled with leverage, allow for an individual to earn while they sleep, and build their entire careers online. This type of work is valued much differently, and requires a different degree of motivation, skills, work-life balance, marketing, and productizing yourself, over more traditional career paths.
Some job titles in the digital world can include: Graphic Designer, Software Engineer, YouTuber, Twitch Streamer, Data Entry, Transcriber, and more
Many people, including yourself, can pivot their existing skill-set and career, towards building an online career.
This involves many complicated questions requiring exploration:
-What value will I provide?
-What will my website/social media presence look like?
-How will others be able to see my portfolio of work?
-How can I get new clients?
-How much can I charge for my goods/services? What currencies can I accept?
-How can I expand my skill-set and build an online career or side-hustle while working a regular job?
-When can I transition to working fully online?
-Will I work under my real name? A Pseudonym? How will I maintain my privacy and confidentiality?
There are no easy answers to these questions. With all of the uncertainty that work brings, and the new age of working remotely in a digital-first economy, I can help you find your calling, and help bring comfort and preparedness when stepping into the new world of online careers.
Getting the right career guidance can help you:
-Better understand yourself
-Understand your values and work preferences (e.g., working with a team vs. alone)
-Match your personality and lifestyle with the right types of job or industry, within the digital world
-Help you explore career options and different paths
-Prepare yourself for the dynamic 21st century world of digitization and automation
We spend much of our waking hours working to make a living. Working in a context and environment that supports your skills, preferences, and personality can help you work towards a fulfilling career and a happier life, with the career flexibility of working from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Working with me involves exploring some of the digital career options you might be considering, and go over any of your past work experience. From there, we can use individualized assessment tools and measures to help you learn more about your personality, work preferences, skills, and values. Through this exercise, I can help you through each step of the career building process – Where to start, what to do, and how to build actionable steps.
Wherever you are on the Stages of Change, I help provide you the space and safety to explore and uncover what it means for you to have a successful career online and maintain work-life balance, while promoting positive mental health techniques and skills along the way.
To learn more about how I can help support you (virtually or in-person), please contact me, or press the “schedule a time” button below, to book a free 15-20 min initial consultation: